Size 8 (NEMA 8) 21 Series Hybrid Stepper Linear Acuator Lead Screw Motor Single Stack and Double stack

  • Part Number: 20P
  • Lead Time: Pre-Order
  • Unit Price: $0.00

  • *Ship from China

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Frankhumotor's size 8(NEMA 8), 21mm series hybrid stepper motor linear actuator with single stack or double stack, almost same as Haydon Kerk series but lower cost, has combined the stepper motor with precise lead screw to reach linear motion control. It is widely used in medical equipment, semiconductor handling, valve control, X-Y tables, hand held instruments, robotics, etc.

  • Available in three designs - captive, non-captive and external linear versions
  • Resolutions offered ranging from 0.0015mm to 0.04mm per step
  • Delivers force of up to 45N.

The NEMA 8 Stepper Motors and Lead Screws

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