S-350-15 Switching Power Supply 350W 15VDC 23.3A for Stepper Motor CNC Router Kits

  • Part Number: S-350-15
  • Lead Time: In Stock
  • Unit Price: $45.00

  • *Ship from China

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S-350-15 Switching Power Supply 350W 15VDC 23.3A for Stepper Motor CNC Router Kits


Key Features

  • Output Voltage: 15VDC 
  • Output Current: 0-23.3A
  • AC Input Voltage: 93-132VAC/180-264VAC
  • 254-357VDC 47-63Hz Selected by Switch
  • High Efficiency Low Cost
  • Forced Air cooling by Built-in DC Fan
  • Low Output Ripple and Yawp
  • Working Temperature: -10℃-+50℃
  • Weight: 1.0KG
  • Size: 215x115x50mm
  • Packing: 45.5x31.5x26CM/20PCS/20KG

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Power Supply Specification
Output Voltage(VDC)15
Output Current(A)0-23.3
Input Voltage(VAC/VDC)90-132/180-264
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