Waterproof LED Driver Power Supply 120W 0-10V Dimmable Constant Voltage Output 24V 5A

  • Part Number: ZR-HVM24NE-120W
  • Lead Time: Two Weeks
  • Unit Price: $45.00

  • *Ship from China

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Waterproof LED Driver Power Supply 120W 0-10V Dimmable Constant Voltage Output 24V 5A



  • Output Current: 5A
  • Output Voltage: 24VDC
  • Output Power: 120W
  • Input Voltage: 90-265VAC
  • Input Current: 0.58A@230VAC
  • Operation Temperature: -40-+80℃
  • Dimension: L210xW70xH40mm
  • Weight: 1.0KG

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