BLD-300B 3 Phase DC Brushless Motor Drive Contoller 24 36 48VDC 15A 450W

  • Part Number: BLD-300B
  • Lead Time: In Stock
  • Unit Price: $35.00

  • *Ship from China

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BLD-300B 3 Phase DC Brushless Motor Drive Contoller 24 36 48VDC 15A 450W


Electrical performance:

  • Input Voltage: 18-50VDC
  • Output Current: 3.0A-15.0A
  • Max Output Power: 450W
  • Applicable Motor Speed: 0-20000RPM
  • Hall Voltage Signal: 4.5V-5.5V, Rated: 5V
  • Hall Drive Current: Rated 20mA
  • External Speed Potentiometer: Rated 10KΩ


Environmental requirements

  • Cooling method: natural cooling.
  • Use occasions: Avoid dust, oil tickets and corrosive gases.
  • Operating temperature: 0°C-+50°C.
  • Ambient humidity: <80%, no condensation, no frost.
  • Vibration: The maximum does not exceed 5.7a/s.
  • Save: -20°C -+125°C to avoid dust.

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