BLD-120A Brushless DC Motor Driver 12-30VDC 1.6-8.0A 120W

  • Part Number: BLD-120A
  • Lead Time: In Stock
  • Unit Price: $25.00

  • *Ship from China

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BLD-120A Brushless DC Motor Driver 12-30VDC 1.6-8.0A 120W


Key Features

  • It can be applied to the host computer (PLC or SCM) PWM or analog speed control
  • Can be manual speed control mode (own potential, also can be external potentiometer manual control)
  • PIDSpeed loop, current loop control
  • Start-stop control (EN), Reversible control (F/R), Braking Fast stop (BRK)
  • Overload protection setting: set different power motor protection parameters through linear potentiometer
  • High-speed torque output stable, speed, and stability
  • Low-speed high torque output
  • Overcurrent, overvoltage, brown, stall, hall signal illegal, temperature protection
  • Abnormal alarm signal output
  • Electrical characteristics
  • Input power: 12-30VDC power supply
  • Output current 8A rated current
  • Instantaneous maximum current 30A (<3S)
  • Insulation resistance: under normal temperature and pressure>500M

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