3DM783 Chip Drive Controller 24-70VDC 2.1-8.4A for 3 Phase NEMA 23 Stepper Motor

  • Part Number: 3DM783
  • Lead Time: In Stock
  • Unit Price: $38.50

  • *Ship from China

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3DM783 Chip Drive Controller 24-70VDC 2.1-8.4A for 3 Phase NEMA 23 Stepper Motor


key Features:

  • Model: 3DM783
  • Output Current: 1.89-8.26A
  • Input Voltage: 20-70VDC
  • Output Current: 2.1-8.4A
  • Signal Voltage: 5-24V
  • Logic Current: 10mA
  • Cooling: Natural Cooling or Forced cooling
  • Environment: Avoid dust, oil fog and corrosive gases
  • Operating Temperature: 0-70℃
  • Storage Temperature: -10-80℃
  • Dimensions: 118x75.5x34mm
  • Weight: 260g

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Drive Specification
Input Voltage(VDC)24-70
Output Current(A)2.1-8.4
Micro-step Resolutions400-51200
Matched Size 3 Phase NEMA23
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